Friday, 2 May 2014

PSEB 12th Examination Result March 2013

Punjab School Education Board, Mohali going to declare class 12th Result 2013 at official website. Students who appeared in 12th Examination which was successfully held in March 2013. they will able to download Result from fist week of June, 2013. We will update result here as soon as declare by Board.

Punjab School Education Board, Mohali,Punjab have responsibility for Conduct 12th secondary and higher secondary examination  and private schools. Board conduct 12th class yearly examination in the month of March and declare result after two month on its official website. Student of PSEB can check Examination time table, Admit card, result and all other information from its official website. PSEB will be declared the Result for 12th board exam 2013 in month of June, 2013. Student will able to check their result by name or roll number form here.

PSEB 12th Result 2013 :-

PSEB, Mohali the Punjab board was established in 1987 as the famous board of the Mohali. The Punjab board provides the examination date sheet in the January month for all private and regular students. PSEB publish examination center details and all information related to the examination on the official website PSEB, Mohali  will declare the examination result for 12th class examination after two months. result date sheet will release on the official website.

Pseb changed the Resut Dates of the examination 2014 .

Pseb 12th Result Updated 

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